Your dentists

Dr Neil Du Preez, BChD
GDC number: 66672
Graduated from Stellenbosch University in 1990 (South Africa)
Special interest in dental implants. Qualified trainer for CEREC, an advanced digital system for performing porcelain tooth restoration.
Has practised Dentistry for over 30 years.

Dr Lance Videtzky, BDS
GDC number: 65314
Graduated from Wits in 1988 (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Specialises in Restorative Dentistry especially digital cosmetic dentistry.
Has practised Dentistry for over 30 years.

Dr Russell Andreas, BChD (US)
GDC number: 67920
Graduated from Stellenbosch University in 1989 (South Africa)
Russell has a broad range of Dental interests especially Digital Cosmetic Dentistry and Oral Surgery.
Has practised Dentistry for over 30 years.

Dr Reinet Du Preez, BsC BChD
GDC number: 66729
Graduated from Stellenbosch University in 1991 (South Africa)
Special interest in teeth whitening and CEREC advanced tooth restoration as well as full mouth restoration.
Has practised Dentistry for over 30 years.